
Fig and Goat Cheese Quesadilla
From Get Your Children Eating Right! A 30-Day Plan for Teaching Your Kids Healthy Eating Habits for Life

By Lynn Fredericks - Founder, FamilyCook Productions and

Mercedes Sanchez, M.S., R.D. - Director of Nutrition Education, FamilyCook Productions

This unique recipe gives the typical quesadilla a Middle Eastern twist. It’s delicious for breakfast any time of the year. You can substitute other seasonal fruit or jam, such as plums, raspberries, or peaches.


4 whole wheat tortillas

Fig jam

4 ounces (115 g) goat cheese


Note: Children should use plastic or table knives for all child steps that require cutting or chopping.


Child Place 2 tortillas on a clean table or cutting board.


Child Spread fig jam over the tortillas in a thin, even layer.


Adult & Child Distribute chunks of goat cheese evenly over the fruit. Place the remaining 2 tortillas on top and press down firmly.


Adult Heat a dry cast-iron skillet over high heat, and cook the quesadillas, one at a time, until browned on the bottom. Then carefully flip it over with a spatula so the second side can brown. (If it starts to burn, the temperature is too high.)


Adult Use a spatula to transfer each cooked quesadilla to a plate and cover with foil to keep warm.